The Wild Woman Academy:

Join me for a transformative journey to Vibrant Living.

Introducing Empowerment & Transformation through Wild Feminine Yoga ~ Sister Circles & Cyclical living.

Gain strength, confidence, and self-awareness through the pathway of The Wild Feminine.

Harness the transformative power of Wild Feminine Yoga and cultivate a sense of transformation in your life.

This empowerment can manifest in various forms, including physical strength, mental clarity, emotional resilience, and spiritual growth.

Develop a deeper connection to your authentic self, claim your own story and navigate life with greater ease and confidence.

Step into your authentic self and live with purpose, passion, and authenticity.


200hours Wild Feminine Yoga Teacher Training:

Start your Wild Feminine Yoga journey…

Ignite your passion and embark on the journey of a lifetime with our Yoga Alliance Accredited Wild Feminine 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training in the UK!

This training transcends the ordinary and invites you to dive deep into a world of transformation. Explore the sacred realms of Wild Feminine Wisdom through Yoga, meditation, mudra, and embodied dance.

Discover the profound wisdom of yoga postures and sequences dedicated to the five elements, and learn to infuse your teachings with the magic of circle and ceremony using potent plant medicines like cacao and sacred oils.

Guided by the rhythm of the moon cycles and the ever-changing seasons, this training is a celebration of life's beauty and wisdom.

No prior experience is necessary—just an open heart and a willingness to learn.

Whether you're dreaming of launching your own yoga business or seeking to deepen your personal practice, this training is tailor-made for you.

Join us at The Stables Yoga Centre in York for an immersive and empowering experience.

Our upcoming 2025 dates:

Earth Element: January 25th/26th, February 22nd/23rd, March 22nd/23rd

Water Element: April 26th/27th, May 24th/25th, June 14th/15th

Fire Element: July 26th/27th, August 23rd/24th, September 21st/22nd

Air/Space Element: Integration & Assessments: October 25th/26th, November 29th/30th, December 13th/14th

Don't miss out on this opportunity to awaken your spirit and transform your life.

Investment £3333 - Payment plans available

For more information and to apply for our 2025 training, email

Let your journey to greatness begin!


100hours Wild Feminine Yoga Training for Yoga Teachers:

Retreat Style Training in Ibiza:

Niche your Yoga business…

From the foundations of a 200hours Yoga training, niche your work as you step into your power and elevate your yoga business with our transformative offering: Yoga Alliance Accredited 100-hours in Ibiza

Are you ready to embark on a journey of deep self-discovery and transformation from the comfort of your own home? Join us online and experience the magic of this unique training program.

This isn't your ordinary yoga training - it's a soul-stirring voyage that will awaken your wild feminine essence and ignite your inner fire.

Explore the depths of the Wild Feminine Wisdom Wheel through flowing yoga practices, meditation, and mudras. Dive into embodied dance and unlock the secrets of yoga postures and sequences dedicated to the five elements.

Learn how to lead yoga sessions in circle settings and sacred ceremonies, incorporating the power of sacred oils to enhance the experience for yourself and your students.

Immerse yourself in the ebb and flow of the moon cycles and seasons, and discover how to harness their energy to deepen your practice and create a life of balance and harmony.

Whether you're a seasoned yoga teacher looking to expand your offerings or a dedicated practitioner eager to deepen your personal practice, this training is for you.

Dates 21st June ~ 28th June 2025

Investment £2222.00 - All food and accommodation included.

Flights and transfers not included.

For more information and to take the first step toward transformation, email

Your journey awaits.


Transform your Yoga business…

100 hours Goddess Wisdom Yoga Teacher Training Retreat in Ibiza 2025.

Transform your yoga business with our empowering offering: My 100-hour Wild Goddess Wisdom Yoga Teacher Training Retreat in Ibiza, coming in 2025 

This retreat-style training is not just about learning; it's a profound immersion into the sacred realms of the Goddesses of Yoga. Experience the transformative power of meditation, mantra, and mudra as you journey deeper into your practice and connect with the divine feminine energy within and around you.

Dive into embodied dance and explore the gentle yet potent practices of Yin and restorative yoga, each dedicated to one of the six Hindu Goddess Archetypes: Lakshmi, Saraswati, Durga, Parvati, Ganesha, and Kali. Learn to teach these transformative styles in circle and ceremony, guided by the wisdom of plant medicines like cacao and sacred oils.

Immerse yourself in the flow of the moon cycles and the rhythms of the seasons, all within the nurturing embrace of a beautiful retreat setting. This training is open to those who have completed a 200-hour yoga teacher training and are ready to deepen their practice and expand their offerings. 

Rooms are en suite and shared, offering comfort and convenience amidst the stunning beauty of Ibiza's seaside. Can Cesar, our retreat venue, provides the perfect backdrop for your transformative journey, with its extraordinary location near the beaches and town of Santa Eulalia.

Investment £2222.00 - All food training and accommodation included.

Flights and transfers not included.

Don't miss this life-changing opportunity to immerse yourself in the wisdom of the Goddesses and take your yoga business to new heights of transformation and empowerment.

For more information and to apply, email